Ankra was founded in 1992 by the privatization of organizational unit OKD, a. s. – Hedvika, which was situated in the former Hedvika Mine in Petřvald. The original Small mining machine repair programme was gradually reduced as OKD gradually limited their services, and the transformation into a production programme was implemented, as stated below. In 2022 Ankra moved and also moved its production to the premises of the former operation No. 3 of the company BASTRO, a. s., in Orlová-Poruba. BASTRO, a. s. was the successor of an important Orlovské strojírny company in this region which was founded at the beginning of the last century.
2022 was a jubilee year for Ankra.
In June 2022, it was 30 years since the company was founded and at the same time the 1st year since the new owner has arrived. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our business partners and company employees for their support and trust.
We look forward to further successful cooperation.